What I offer
Paths to inner strength
I offer coaching for single parents who want to flourish. I encourage you with a loving presence and explore your next steps with you in a creative and inspiring way using effective tools.
Navigating with confidence
With a selection of efficient coaching methods, we find access to your own intuition and inner compass and use them in everyday life to bring about lasting changes.
Handling uncomfortable emotions
Being a single parent can be a challenging phase in life. I hold the space and provide the tools to integrate unpleasant feelings and make this time valuable.
Discover curiosity & joy
By working specifically on limiting thoughts, we create space for curiosity and joy. The connection to our own body with its inherent intelligence helps us do this.
Building a sustainable & livable life
The coaching sessions can empower you to take powerful steps towards a life in which you feel good. Together we explore the possibilities for a sustainable, individual economic ecosystem.
Hello, I am Véronique Cuennet
Single Parent &
Coach &
When I separated from my daughter's father 6 years ago, I couldn't have imagined what difficulties and wonderful experiences awaited me.
I wished for someone who had experienced all of this and was there to help me. My experiences with couples counseling, separation, mediation, family counseling and divorce have sparked my great compassion for single parents. I have also met many strong and inspiring women along the way.
One of them is Martha Beck, a prolific US coach and author. I have completed her International Coaching Federation accredited Coach Training (ICF Professional Coach Level 2) and I work according to the ICF Principles & Ethics Guidelines.

Let's thrive together
Sign up for a session! I look forward to seeing you.
You can find my coaching agreement here . Please bring it signed with you before the first coaching session or send it to You do not need it for the one-time starter session.
45 min
140 Swiss francs